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D o l e n c e & M e a n s A d v i s o r s
We're not just a service provider; we're a trusted partner on your journey to financial success. We can unlock your potential, together.
"Courtney Means has done our taxes for the past few years and I am truly amazed at what she can do. She and her staff are extremely knowledgeable about tax laws and how to maximize your refund. I consider her to be one of our most trusted advisers when it comes to money matters and tax planning.
When my former CPA retired, I was referred to Courtney by a friend. She reviewed my former CPA's work and found that there was a mistake on a prior year's return. She filed an amended return for us and got us some more money back! Fantastic service and she has her clients' best interests in mind. I strongly recommend Courtney
for all of your accounting needs!"
- Jim Blocker
"Fantastic people who put their clients first. I would recommend them especially if you are running a business and need very skilled CPAs on your side. They are amazing!"
- Betty Valdeon
I’ve been in business for many years with complicated taxes and Courtney is amazing! Her expertise and ability to communicate her recommendations are superior.
- Bradley Middaugh, OD
We are more than accounting experts.
We are trusted advisors and dedicated partners. With a focus on people first, we provide tax and advisory services that meet your present needs and help you
secure a prosperous future.

We help small businesses, entrepreneurs and emerging enterprises
A c c o u n t i n g
S e r v i c e s
Nothing derails a good business like sloppy accounting and bookkeeping. At Dolence & Means Advisors, our accounting experts will do everything to keep your finances predictable and on track so you can focus on other things. We offer personalized services to help you manage and track your finances.
B o o k k e e p i n g
& P a y r o l l
We are a small business serving small businesses. So, we know what it takes to succeed and are dedicated to supporting you along your path to success. We are here to handle the accounting. From transaction classification to expense tracking and integrating payroll, we’ve got you covered.
T a x P r e p a r a t i o n
& P l a n n i n g
Taxes don’t have to be daunting. We make the tax process easy and smooth. A modern process from start to finish, our advanced platform supports a completely digital process from tax document upload to signature and filing.We are here to support you with tax advice throughout the year
A d v i s o r y
S e r v i c e s
We serve as a partner to small businesses—providing structured guidance on building a successful, sustainable enterprise. We accomplish this via deep analysis and reporting.We focus on the numbers to provide helpful reporting and analysis that drives business growth.
We specialize in small business & personal accounting
Sure, we make swift work of your most pressing accounting needs. But, what really sets us apart is how you will feel working with us.
C o n f i d e n t. C a r e d F o r. C a r e d A b o u t.
S m a l l B u s i n e s s e s
Would you like to gain a trusted advisor that can help your business grow and thrive? A full-service CPA firm can become an essential resource for your business. They will help you identify areas of your business where you are doing better or worse than the competition and guide you through the next stage needed to grow.
"They've been doing my company's tax return for the past 6-7 years and they have been great each time! Highly recommend." Elite Air
P e r s o n a l
Understanding how deductions and tax credits work can mean the difference between getting a hefty refund versus a tax bill. Hence, when it comes to individual tax returns, knowledge and expertise matter; which is why it’s always better to have your return prepared by an expert.
"We have been working with Courtney for many years. She is well versed, kind, and easy to work with." - Vanessa
A n a c c o u n t i n g f i r m y o u c a n t r u s t

I n t e g r i t y
Our strong moral principles, our honesty with each other and our clients, plus doing the right thing are what is important to us. Success may come and go, but integrity is forever.

T e a m w o r k
We are one inclusive team with a shared mission. We recognize the best solutions come from working together

I n s i g h t f u l
Clients expect their advisors to be forward thinking and insightful about their business. At Dolence & Means, we are committed to life-long learning and growing as people and as professionals.

We work with:

W h a t o u r c l i e n t s t h i n k
"They know how to make taxes and money fun. Always quick responses and super friendly staff wouldn't go anywhere else."
Dustin Baucom
"Right off the bat they found ways to save money on my taxes that had been overlooked before."
Bradley Middaugh, OD
"If you are looking for a CPA firm that truly cares about you, and has the experience, you will find their team of experts are the best."
C o n t a c t u s

Email: info@dolenceandmeans.com
Tel: 239.489.2607 - Fax: 239.489.2419

12811 Kenwood Lane, Suite 106
Fort Myers, Florida 33907